Thankful Thursday: Getting Stuff Done

Today I’m sooooo thankful for “getting stuff done”.  I had a very productive week last week and this week is looking equally productive.  I finished booking all my airline tickets and hotel bookings for my upcoming 9 1/2 week international trip.  It wasn’t easy, but I got it done and a huge weight was lifted.  In addition to that I had success at work, at writing (yea!!!…this post is day seven of my NaBloPoMo challenge), and general home projects.

I can’t remember the last time I had such a productive week.  There is something about checking a lot of things off my To Do list that just makes me ecstatic.  My best friend would say it’s because I’m a Capricorn.  I find the more things I check off the freer I feel.  I feel less weighed down by “having too much to do”.

Don’t get me wrong I have a TON of things to do this month leading up to my departure on November 23rd, but the more I get done the more relaxed I’ll be while I’m gone.

For me “getting stuff done” builds on itself…the more I get done, the better I feel, which motivates me to get more done.  This is a perfect example of my previous post about “action before motivation“.

I feel energized and am hoping to keep this motivation for the rest of the month.  Just saying that makes me think about how exciting it will be getting on the plane on the 23rd and not having anything to worry about at home (other than missing my furry kids of course).

How do you feel when you get a lot done?  Does it make you motivated to do even more?

Let me know what you think...